
Before darkness comes the foreboding crackle momentary disorientation giving way to cursed luck fate, ill-timed fortune there exists briefly a vacuum knowing neither light nor absence of  illumination there is no good that comes from channeling dormant, evolutionary bat instincts only stubbed emotional toes, bruised…

Before Darkness

Before darkness creeps into the garden, Before the mosquitos begin to dine, We settle into our lounge chairs, To breathe and enjoy the time.   Fragrant bouquets of summer, Mix with the nearby herbs. Sounds of children laughing, Playing undisturbed.   Leaf-filtered sunset hues, Cloudless…

Hour 3 Prompt – Before Darkness

Holding the first light In their petals These summer flowers Quite often talk to me The sudden pull of emotions Or hammock of thoughts within me Silently the dewdrops unwrap And I as drench in the fragrance They hide behind the mist of night again

Dreaming of Death

Stepping onto the old wooden steps, I feel as though I have seen this place before. Where have I been for the past several years? I have to keep moving.   Stepping onto the old wooden boat, I feel as though I have been at…

Fly fishing

Plant your feet. Gauge the distance. Ready your line and begin to whirl. Cast!   That look of pure determination shall haunt fish all their meager lives.