There There are days when I feel like a Goddess There are days when I behave like a Wild Child There are also days when I look like a fragile mess Still most of the time I seem to be a mix of all 3…
Tag: motivation
2020 – 2
They say that success Can be broken down Into fractions They say it’s a mere one Percent talent With ninety-nine Percent work But without motivation This equation Is incomplete
A Fighter
Bless with challenges fighting with my own mind, forcing my own pressures to strengthen my fuels of positive energy. Genetics and blood works different within me but the will to succeed breathes the same as others. My will power of loyalty to finish grows from all…
Hidden under layers of sorrow runs tears unforgiven by passing years. Walking with a piece of hope staring off into a gaze reflection of many forgotten faces still straving to be glam and pacing to live steady. A river flooded slowly runs dry as warmth…
My Pace
Moving forward one step at a time thinking on the before now, pushing harder for a better right now. Slow stroll noticing different people intentions, not fazed by fast tongues spitting drama or criticism. Careful with the pace of my stride with humbleness, patience, and…
It’s not 9:00 AM
There’s a finish-line some where. Far off beyond the visible road. I keep telling myself I’ll make it there. A beautiful beach or some humble abode. It is late and I am drunk adrenaline and caffeine. Running out of ideas like a car low on…
Pantoum of my Resolve
I will not falter from my resolve As the storm looms ever closer It will break, crush, and tear asunder Fear will not cauterise into my heart As the storm looms ever closer Bravery may be a fool’s errand Fear will not cauterise into my…
Oh so worried and Attractive Adorable as she twirls Perfect and humourous Special and buoyant Is Steady not a laughing stock Character is charming Height is delightful and unfenced Pious, restful and calm Thoughtful and honest Appreciation wishing prosperity Not excessive only Annual A Passionate…