Photo: Shala Lang

The Eternal Rose

Sun doesn’t set, Moon doesn’t rise, Days are endless for Rose.   Floating among stars, Observant always, Placid smile, gaze wanders.   Center of the universe, Mistress of eternity, Shining bright in the Heavens.   Who or what she is, No one quite knows, Not…


I am the Wolf Ya Volk, in Russian, for you gypsy types (my types) You can find me in the dark, look for me in the night when The shard of the crescent moon slices through smoky clouds, shades of black Against a velvet sky,…

My Morning’s Predicament -Prompt 4

O, Kitty! Wherefore art thou With your white fur all over my bed You purr and against my arm bump your head. You gorgeous thing are in my way.   O, Kitty! Wherefore art thou So fickle as a flighty sprite So patient  with some…

See Life

Take control of your Joy Let no one destroy it Inner peace is the key Hold on tight and don’t quit jj2017


Where the ocean ends. Where it chooses to end on the shore. On the beach. Where families sit. Contaminating the sand with oils and plastic, Synthetic chrome wrappers and aluminum. Yet, stoic, powerful, ominous and effervescent. A leviathan of forces unfathomed by those who sit…

The Trick

As it turns out it was all a dream Heaven is a place that we called a ghetto We woke up to find only the weak survived They are the ones that learned to depend and never worry Jokes on you! Only the peacekeepers and…

Hour two

Your kiss like sweet sangria— slowly   loosing its red to my tongue.   lingers on my tongue.   my tongue wants more.

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