Skay Hour 5

Muscles ripple through gleaming skin Beads form and sweat trickles Down a furrowed brow. Each move shows the ache In the overstretched sinew From the strain of the oar And the burden of your toils What keeps you going, sailor? What heartache pumps your blood?…

Three Hours In

It is the 3rd Hour The sun is shining And I am already talking to myself about powering through It isn’t that I don’t want to finish this great race But really, I’d rather be out and about having the sun shine and splash all…

2020 Prompt Two (2): Recipe For Manifesting [Hour 2]

To Manifest Your Desires Ingredients for you, and me . . . Know you are: God Christ Power To Create: Imagine What You Desire (Christ Consciousness) God (Create An Image In Your Imagination) Know (It has already manifested) Pray (In gratefulness, as it already is)…