I have heard about this beach, the meandering boardwalk, the wide expanse of sand. I imagine roaming piles of driftwood, singing like a gull, a lonely song that moves me. My bare feet are sandy and burnt like my father’s after we left him. …
Tag: #poetry#2020halfmarathon

Zoom East to See Fireflies
He says, “Fireflies are beautiful. I can’t believe you’ve never seen them. You can catch them in a bottle, you know? We’ll stay in Aunt Annie’s cottage in Hanover. When the heat is high, the tree line is where we’ll watch lights dance against the night…
The Season of COVID-19
Gifts sparkle, shake, and rattle. They have ribbons and colorful wrappings. Then when opened, a surprise that makes us happy. COVID-19 is a surprise. It is round with flower-like petals and triangular protrusions Though it doesn’t make us happy. I remember the polio…
Skay Hour 4
Edited: Baguette and cheese Of photography and particle physics, Talking respective loves, And purging out hates. Of friendships lasting much longer than puny, short lives. And thoughts living forever. Of home made bolognese and tiramisu, And baguette and cheese in a brown bag…
Hour 4, Prompt 2
1 a swing 2 oil 3 a man or a woman or two or three of each 4 candles 5 a house to one’s self, with absolutely zero kids running about This is the place for which one could jump off For an afternoon of…