Before we continue: I don’t know if this was a memory or a dream. Maybe it’s both, maybe it’s neither Nevertheless, this meadow has been a part of me since I was quite young. A long stretch of green grass spotted with honeysuckles, whose fragrance…
Tag: Prompt 10
After Moonshadow 1/2 marathon poem #10
After Moonshadow 1/2 marathon poem #10 You lost your mind one night Playing in shadows of moonlight You lost your way back home Singing of your woes in blue tones Don’t be lost now in the dark So come inside, no need to hark Don’t…
Prompt Ten (10): Shadows of Planets [Hour 10]
IF I LOSE THE PLANET Losing Earth was harsh; First we lost the sun… We had warmth, but did not know from where; The moon had a shadow, and it did provide light. Maybe it kept the warmth, or the planet was warmed… generations ago….
Battery Life
A musician with no hands. A painter with no eyes. A poet with no tongue. A lover with no love. Victims of desire. No charge. New charge. Recharge. Hour 10, Prompt 10 The Moonshadow Challenge
Branded clothes, Pretty shoes Bags and Jewels All this was not for her.. Deep down she wanted someone Who would Compliment her For who she was With or Without Them!

missed connections
I had plenty of time but he asked for too much of what I had money pomp and circumstance Seemed to be what mattered to him For me it was the chance to move energy and see what happened when we did It was…
I have been green with envy, talked to someone til I was blue-in-the face turned red with embarrassment generally an upbeat guy, like everyone I do have my down days from time to time though not to the same extent as others; some folks live…
An Ode to Old Odes and Poets We Owe
Keats was the guy our English teachers fawned all over ‘Ode on a Grecian Urn’ spellbound many a napping student, when not making their stomachs churn Coleridge, Wordsworth, Shelley all dutifully took their turns more recently was Neruda, in love with socks – a sartorial,…
Prompt 10 – Heart Singer
Heart singer, Night howler. Your love is unconditional, Your joy is boundless – It astounds me that there exists A creature with such pure Intentions, never meant to harm I love you, my Heart Singer You who can swell my chest At sight because all…