final boxes are stacked in a van an almost empty home stands unaware that its inhabitants will leave tomorrow. on a clouded, gray morning gutters will fill with rain no one will notice when leaves fall and clog, and water leaks through the roof and…
Tag: Prompt 5
Dreaming of a Time capsule
Dreaming of a Time Capsule I would like to find a window to the past, a capsule of evidences of the joys and sorrows, the ordinary and extraordinary days on this plot of land, part of the Western Reserve Firelands of Northern Ohio. We…
Prompt Five (5): If I Jump Off Here
If I jump off here… Will you be there? If I fly away though this path… Will you join me on the journey? If I jump off here… Will I land beside you? If I never see you again… Will you seek me forever?…
Umbrellas 1/2 marathon poem #5
Umbrellas 1/2 marathon poem #5 Raindrops fall upon dancing umbrellas On an English summer’s windswept day Children jumping embracing their mothers In an English weather’s cabaret. (C) Scott Coe 2020
4th Grade
She lay on her back Her jacket was too big Fresh dying leaves on top Rotten dying leaves on bottom The coming frost bit the end of her nose Her hair tickled her neck The zipper grazed her ear lobe The branches…
I would sit on a wooden bar stool in the doorway to the small office at the back of the little donut shop I worked at in high school the doorjamb, perfect for leaning in boredom, or sleepiness as I awaited fresh customers seeking coffee,…
Prompt 5 – Technology
What started as Sticks and Stones Designed to break bones In a time long gone Grew into the cultivation Of a civilization, Forming nations And eventually becoming The aching,Need for accompanying – Words and connections have Consumed us halves Trying to find wholes In a…
Rune drafting
I follow the lead of my ancestors who committed epics to stone, via hammers, chisels, sharp rocks stories, histories endure, still studied my people wrote on reindeer skins with intricate threads and techniques told elaborate tales on functional vessels of iron and pewter they cast…
How I’ve seen you grow, almost four decades now. Most of it, I care not to understand For it’s our undivided attention, you demand. Fading out, the human connection yet intertwining us, like never before if you’ll look you’ll find it all Love and…