monster #2023poetrymarathon #prompthour12

Bolero does something to me when it plays I am un-Ravelled resting my head upon my father’s knee soothed and calmed at peace with the monster that lives in me. The lilting tune, the rustle of drums edge this old heart like that striped shirt in…

Butterflies (Hour 12)

The congregation nod as the pastor “preaches” he decrees death upon women following other people’s husbands “Ride on Sir” Ejiro echoes   Now she turns to me gifts me an ear-to-ear grin then points with her gaze “that woman is sleeping with the husband of…


back in crowded rooms should feel uncomfortable but with the right people discomfort turns to friendship

The Birth

A call I hear from inside of me Wrapped in my warmth, someone arrives Celebrate a new life, Life distinct in divine light Doors of horizon Welcomes the birth. Love and Hope Ushers Joy!!

Dreaming Reality (hour 12, prompt 12)

We were wrapped in innocence In someone else’s dream Somewhen (in another time) But nothing’s ever as it seems The reality is the nightmare And innocence, the past So long ago I can’t recall When loss first came to pass For even as a child…

Such are the minds of sisters

Sixth sense, powerhouse, she’ll tell it to you straight “You are beautiful.” “You are smart.” “You’re not told.” “It’s never too late to start.” Extra Kleenex, extra gloss, extra whatever it is that you need She’s got your back,  whether blood or you picked her…

Death Be Common

Death be common for the rat in the trap. Death be common for the soldier with a broken bootstrap. Death be common for predator and prey. Death be common in a world of decay.   The price of your life is not without a tag,…

With you, My Friend, by my side She thought and kept everything aside With you, My Friend, the bond so tight She thought and she could fight With you, My Friend, and all the mess She thought and she felt blessed but, The one she…