Touch – hour 16

I touch feline fur, and feel the deep purr it makes my heart whir then beats in rhythm with her.   Holding soft anole my heat warming its cold how is it though they feel no temp at all?   Still, they always crawl and…

#16- Elephants Can Remember

They say elephants can remember, Elephants so ingenious, With their ever present gravitas, With their power reverberating. Their trunks so nifty, They pick things up like no other, Literally and figuratively, Heavy and slight. Smelling water from miles away, Hardly need a compass, Always know…

Hour 6: A Sense of My Ideal Day

Today sun fills my open hand with birdsong, flows along my arm, tickling fragile hairs awake. A drift of mint reminds my nose of dappling leaves waiting for me. Water flows across my toes as I share a drink with the garden. I wander on,…

The Dropped Match

The air thickens miasma Blood orange sun touches mountain scorches Vapours curl on eddies pungent Flames creep over parched ground crackle Building momentum rising hugging Trees stand defiant shrubs wither crisp Creatures scurry frantic directionless screams Fire-fighters scramble water flows hiss Steam rises heat dissipates…