Book Club

It’s 6 p.m. on a Friday night. Instead of being in my pjs at home, I’m sitting around in a room filled with friends with a wine glass in my hand. There is good food and even better conversation – though we only spent 20…

Looking Out

Inside today: inside my house, inside my room, inside my bed, inside my head. This is the price for two consecutive days of activity. Behind the netting, an open window. Open curtains too, now that the glaring sun is in retreat. Air-holes made for this…


You are a delicious languish that I cannot languish. Although not so sweet and fair I declare: Even the tiniest bit of you I desire.


The fields of sunlight-green go on forever, The ancient arch reveals the rural scene Containing countless shades of blue and green Each leaf and blade of grass defined but never Destroying harmony with one another But delicately balancing between Variety and unity of mien A perfect patch of land, in…