Hour 17 – Manticore Slew Dragon – Text Prompt

Creature with a mane, front claws that maim Cloven hoofed hind legs, goat stomach but not head A fire brews within it, its tail is scaled and hisses The original, the monstrous maven, the chimera craven None could fight it save its brother, a beast…

Hour 5- Sir Radish – Image Prompt

Rapunzel they called him,  Rapunzel he was, A prince to some, a common son of a baker to others But they never asked him where he came from. His golden locks were too distracting, His soft features confusing He often sent suitors weeping when they…

#3- The story never ends

I write a story, My mind coming up with thoughts, Stitching them all together, Putting together the individual sheets. I write the story, Finally giving a home, To all the orphaned objects in my mind, Binding the papers into signatures. I write the story, My…

Hour Ten: Critical decision

A found/blackout poem of sorts—I went through a book about film posters and underlined certain phrases, then added my own bit at the end. Critical decision It is often said that this is the former summarizing the latter In the former situation, I tend to…