To Make Brownies

Step one: Open the box Read the instructions on the box Without spilling the contents of the box   Step two: Spill contents of the box Curse Sigh with relief That the contents are separately packaged   Step three: Look for eggs in the fridge…

To the Nurse Who Held my Son

The nurse who held my son all day when he was going to leave the hospital I wonder if she was thinking about me or the adoptive parents who would be arriving that day to take my son home with them   I wonder if…

Hiding from Myself

I want to write a poem About how I feel But it’s hard to explain How hard it is To be autistic and at the same time Somewhat normal And still be bisexual Along with nonbinary Add in being a birthmother And all the things…

Hope and agency

Where we have agency there is hope, hope to build a better world to not despair to understand what can be achieved, has been achieved, will be achieved, to change how we live.   The future is not yet written, we must attend carefully, The…

Archeologist of Shelves

I climb the shelves jump the study rooms and cut my way through piles of books   I plumb the depths of Google searches for bits of lost info and hidden treasure   I face the questions that puzzle the will of the most knowledgeable…

Hour 24 prompt

HOPE Hope emerges Like a ray of light, Like a guiding star, At the end of a tunnel of despair. Hope, whispers softly To rise To see beyond our tears To see beyond our failure. Hope gives us, An anchor A stability to rise A…

ET’s Science Project

Too much carbon in the air made them all machines. Squared lips, rounded jaws of organic steel. A world of hot diamonds and melted glass upon which they roll on titanium pegs. A strange experiment!

My Complex Relationship with Closets

I liked closets I could hide away where no one would see me safe inside a small space my mind could fly far away   Then I was fine with closets They kept me safe my secrets locked away inside only a few picking the…

2023 Hour 24: Hope (a list poem)

Write a poem about hope. Walking in the woods without benefit of bug spray. Rolling for Yahtzee when you have the large straight. Returning the sweepstakes entry without making a purchase. Crossing your fingers when your daughter strolls to home plate. Beginning the journey with…