Random Poem

Dudes (18)

Written By
September 3, 2023 2:35am EDT

Dudes who complain about yardwork

Dudes who don’t take out the trash

Dudes who leave the spoons on the side of the sink

Dudes who leave the drain clogged

Dudes who smash mailboxes with bats

Dudes who don’t take their medication often

Dudes who forget birthdays and anniversaries

Dudes who are unusually close

Dudes who work on cars

Dudes who don’t coupon at all

Dudes who read westerns

Dudes who can’t sit through a play

Dudes who slash tires over stares

Dudes who don’t know how to play UNO

Dudes who leave the toilet seat up

It’s us , we’re dudes

she needed a ride home and we obliged

no one at the party knew our names

and were too obliterated to capture faces

you’re handsome and your small talk is distracting

in the rearview I can see her eyes

on your chin and cheeks and collarbones

drinking them in with tipsy lust

keeping your cool, the last one got you too excited

and you punched them in the head over and over

as I stayed on the lookout for cops and nosy drivers

so enthralled by you

and not paying attention to the exit signs that fly by

far away from where she told me to drop her off

flashing like green lights to a place

she’d rather not know she was going to

and not coming back from.


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