Annoying visit

Go away atrocious one!

Can’t you see I’m on the run

Why do you visit me at this ungodly hour

Your presence brings me annoyance and leaves the taste in my mouth sour


Just before i open the door

I pray the ringing bell is nothing more

Then a mistake on my behalf

So that the week that follows won’t be rough


But when the door opens I am left disappointed

Because it seems that I have been appointed

Your host for seven days

And only then will you go away


I am left to prepare endless supplies of clothes and food

When it’s holidays Your stay is never good

As this is the time for me to go away and rest

Come when I’m busy, thenĀ  your stay gives me freedom so it works out best


You make me moody and feeling like I need to cry

For reasons no one knows why

And you wake me in the middle of the night

And I always have to make sure that your bedding is just right


Now there’s nothing that can be changed

So I heave a sigh and have a room arranged

As The Red Flag Lady is here to stay with me

I know the worst is going to be days one, two and three

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