Love All

Is life just a game of tennis

Your serve

Play till 6


Love all

Princess P

Does my cat think about me as much as I think about her?

sometimes I think yes


sometimes I think no

The phone

I don’t think it’s possible to forget a face

But you could be surprised by one

A long passed relative staring back at you

As you mindlessly flip through your digital albums

Expecting memories of trips past or saved recipes but

Seeing instead your ancestors looking on

Remembering how you taught them things

Like what the Internet was

And how you pretended to love meat when they cooked you


How she painted and sculpted every day

But only portraits of long dead authoresses

Or cats with human faces

While he peddled rigged arcade games in giant warehouses

And gave you porcelain dolls and monkeys that played piano on strings

All of this comes back

With a swipe on a screen

As you looked for what to make for dinner

The Vane Sisters

Никогда не думала что

Абсолютно всех, кроме


Обо меня думает, каждый день

К закату, где


Ввела скандал

Blunt must go

Blunt must go!

A quotation found on the pages of Agatha Christie

A murder mystery with no motive

But that’s absurd, the other characters shout

How can you have a murder with no motive

How can you seek comfort from the pages of a book about bloodshed

How is it that this is my only place of peace


There’s a chicken named after me

Not the kind that you will ever eat

The kind that will cluck around and lay eggs when she feels like it

Did you know that chickens can live up to 20 years?

I’ve heard that my chicken grew faster than the rest

She’s very photogenic

One day I’d like to meet her