I Wish I Could Fly – Hour 15

I’ve always wished I could fly
Soar above the clouds with my wings spread wide
In childhood dreams I would kick my feet together and float up and up
Watching as the world was shrinking below me

It’s different in an airplane
Your biggest concern is always where you’ll be sitting
Who or what will be to your left and right
Hoping you’ll be able to fall asleep at the right time and duration

But some things are the same
The excitement from racing down the runway and lifting off
Grasping onto the seat like you might fall off
The world below getting smaller like zooming out on Google Earth
And finding yourself above the soft, fluffy white clouds
Windows of opportunity to catch a glimpse of lands you’d never visit
The beautiful waves of sand dunes in the Middle Eastern desert
As I zoom from one end of the globe to the other
To visit my grandfather.

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