Arguing With Myself

Okay, body-listen up It’s time that you lay off The pain for a spell With bones cracking like A thick branch snapping Sending sharp stings I cry out Silently through clenched teeth Smile as I lie and say I’m okay When I’m really truly not…

A Writer’s Body

Most of my life, I’ve been petite.  A dancer, personal trainer, five-foot-three, size two. Then I became a writer. Paid to sit and pen my words. I’ve put on thirty-pounds over two years. Honestly, I love writing, it’s the perfect job. But I must say,…

From the Inside Out (Hour 7)

FROM THE INSIDE OUT Inside out, outside in. Break my body, slam my brain, to fit the golden ratio of beauty. Two hours, three hours at the gym, counting calories, watching Macros, but a Mesomorph can never be an Ecto. So fuck the scale and…


You’re amazing! I know I don’t tell you that often, if at all, but really, you are! I don’t do you justice, and I’m sorry. I tire you out and not let you rest, but you just keep going, and keep me going. I don’t…

#10 Autobiography of a Body

Anatomy is a peculiar thing. We don’t get to choose it and yet end up being judged for it. Too short, too tall, too asymmetrical, too disproportional, too feminine, too masculine. Too human? I was born not-too-tall, with little feet and tiny toes, but not-too-short…