Hour 5 poem

MY NEW FRIEND Suddenly I saw flashes of light I thought the heavens have now descended on earth My laptop started beeping Crazy signals and funny codes light up its screen A strange page opens Asking me to write what’s in my mind I asked…

V- Visions

Bronzed skin catches dying light Muscles flex, heaving, at the end of the chase Her breath slows, though she sits anxious still She waits for the wood to darken– she moves best in the moonlight A familiar bush sits to her left and she smirks,…

The Crime Scene is an Empty Room

How did so much come to nothing Leaving just an empty space When everything was over And there were no truths left to face Just aching walls of silence With a window to the past Highlights where it all went wrong And where we tried…

The Basement

Slowly, he pokes his head around the door Gathering as much courage as he can, Until enveloped in safety, He inches closer to the opening crawling on his belly nosing his way forward inch by anxious inch. until his nose, on his paws hang over…

Would you?

If I told you about the void in my heart; would you still look at me like I mean everything to you.


The wine glass tips, falls, and shatters! Its tinkle matching my laughter tone for tone My young fingers playfully trace the breadth of your shoulders Then like coquettes do a complete turnaround digging viciously claiming space someplace not theirs… and breaking a lacquered nail on…

Hour 5

Oh, see the sun- flower grow into the slant of your smile. Knit me a jumper two sizes too big so I can rise up to my existence, fill up the space that once was my self-doubted weeds growing through cracks in the pavement. I…

The Time Capsule – hour 5

There’s a time capsule inside of me No one else will ever see For though I pour things out in verse Few know the stories behind the words They’re written snapshots of my life Every poem that I write Has some basis in my truth…

We finally met And the sky turned pink Butterflies all around And in my stomach too! The downpour from the sky above And rolling out of my eyes too It’s okay to cry! For the sky is doing that too! We sat there for a…

Broken Palace

Probably knocked down by a bottle from the heavens. Maybe the gods must be crazy To think I’d believe I’m in the bed of a king.   Two days ago, I stumbled upon A scroll. And in it, was scroll within scroll within scroll, Until…

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