#19- Sparkly Grey Sweater

A sparkly grey sweater is who I am most, Comfortable in the skin I call my own, Minimalistic colours and smart shades, With a shine that I carry around with me. Someone who builds a fort with her books, And sits inside her pen scratching…

You and I (Diamante, Hour Fourteen)

You and I   YOU angry, bitter hurting, screaming, fighting man, warrior……woman, nurturer crying, loving, writing compassionate, tender ME     (A diamante consists of seven lines: line one (A) and seven (G) must be nouns and opposites. Line two is two adjectives that clearly…

I AM Alive

  I AM alive but you say I’m not I see the question forming on your face I feel the warmth of your curious fingers I hear the fly buzzing around the room I smell the fresh flowers in the vase Most of all I…