Hour 19 – Prompt 19 – Common phrases – “Secret friends”

When you have secrets to share, that no soul must know
You must have secret friends, whom no one can guess

The moon whispers at night, “Welcome home”
She is the closest messenger to where my parent stays
She never asks me, “How are you?”
As my angel lets her know how was my day

On the fifteen days, when she is off to take her rest
She sends her friend, the clouds, to help me find my way
They silence me with a smile, when my eyes say “Thank you”
They poke each other to clear my path, before I say “Excuse me”

When my worrying mind is at its nagging best
The stars bump into me, shine their light and say “Pardon me”
When my heart aches with tears unshed, at the new dawn
They hug me tight, kiss me to say “Have a nice day”

When you have secrets to share, that no soul must know
You must have secret friends, whom you can completely trust

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