
In twilight’s shadow I whisper the words

reverberating around my mind like an echo –

watch Ophelia drown with lips wide open,

the words pouring out of her like a flood,

tumbling out in a rush –

“Good night, ladies, good night, sweet ladies;

good night, good night.”


In twilight’s shadow she lay

in peaceful slumber –

And I watched on,

the words she swallowed upon my lips –

goodnight, goodnight.

Widow’s Hope

Below the surface

it was all blue and black –

like the bruises

I wore on my heart.

The shipwreck was a magnificent nightmare –

a broken home in the sea.

I looked for you in the debris –

like I searched for you

at Dublin port – day after day,

hour after hour,

holding my breath

for a glimpse of hope.

Introductory Post

Hi everyone! My name is Adiba and I’m from Ireland/Bangladesh. I’m currently spending a year in the UK in order to finish up an MA. I’ve been writing poetry for a good few years now but since I’ve been pretty distracted by my MA this year, I haven’t really written anything for a fair few months. I’m really excited to get back to it again! I’ll be doing the half marathon and I’m really looking forward to the coming weekend! 🙂