Start Me UP

“once I start I’ll never stop, never stop, never stop….” Oh, yes, I suppose I will.

p.s. Thanks, Mick Jagger


Ocean City, New Jersey


Emerging Poet

I am not a novice writer but I do consider myself an emerging poet who has been fortunate enough to have had 9 poems published within the last year. Going into this event I will feel blessed if I complete 12 poems. I will be amazed if any of them are polished enough to be considered ready for publication; however, I do think each one will serve as draft worthy of being revisited and refined. Since I live near the ocean I suspect one or two will deal with my local environs. I also plan to address the concept of faith in a few of them as well. Some others will undoubtedly deal with politics in one form or another. Death and fortune and immortality are some other topics that have been on my mind lately. I am intuitive by nature so I intend to freewrite to get kickstarted, then go from there. I am considering making a list of 12 or more ideas before Saturday rolls around. It goes without saying that I will be a half-marathoner. I need my 8 hours of sleep more than ever.

Good luck to all.

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