When the Trees Whisper

Silent they stand

Watching over us

Unbothered by squirrels climbing

And birds nesting


But when the wind comes

Their secrets they spill

Whispering to one another

As gossip passes across town


Neighbors agitated by these sentinels’ betrayals

Doors slam, tempers rise, heads ache

Wind dies, calm is restored

I am

I am

The smile that forms

When I hear my favorite song


I am

The sparkle in my eye

When I explore uncharted territory


I am

The sound of my voice

When I talk about something I love


I am

The laughter that comes

When joking with friends


I am

The arms embracing my child

When he needs his mother


I am

The tears that fall

When I remember heartache


I am

More than the sum of my parts

When I forget my self worth


I am

More than I think that I am

When self doubt rages inside of me


I am

The only one like me

The. Only. One.

And that’s a good thing.