HR20 – Prayer

Putting aside my ego, I

Recognize that You Are.

All-seeing, All-knowing, Always here.

Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on

Earth, as it is in Heaven. I

Rest and leave the rest to You.

HR19 – Nairobi

Noise and matatus and hawkers,

Air-conditioned offices and mansions,

Indians and Africans and Caucasians,

Reggae and Hip hop and Genge and Rock,

Opulence and oppression,

Brutality and beauty,



Less than 12 hours before I begin my very first poetry half marathon. Looking forward to it! I suspect this will be more challenging than the “Pulitzer Remix” and the “Oulipost” since these two were daily challenges and there were 24 hours to ruminate over each poem. I will begin my half marathon at 4am Kenyan time so I hope the peace and quiet and stillness will make my first hours very fruitful. Wishing all my fellow marathoners the very best!