Letter to Juan Vincentre
Dear Juan Vincentre
Oldest living man in the world
Museum of Grace upon the earth
Houses of mortar and clay
Open spaces serve as stray
Clay flooring sand and unlay
Bathrooms in the outdoors
Underground sewage trapdoor
Living in poverty barn door
Life expectancy for women 54.6
Life’s expectancy for men 53.6
Heart diseases and pneumonia
No fridges or microwaves
Food served on hot landgraves
Preservation of food or short waves
No drugs in the cupboards
Heroin or Mercury our chessboard
No plumbing no food or skateboard
How did you manage thus far
Children were out of school
Working in factories or fields
1900 seem like yesterday
Will I change back the clock of time ?
Epistolary poem
Date or letter from the Epistle
As part of the 24 hour marathon 25/06/2022
Sabìnah Adewole