A Watchful Eye

A friendly little rabbit sits in my yard.

He comes to visit every day just like he has a job.

He has a spot where he likes to sit all day.

He looks around the neighborhood, but has very little to say.

He’s fuzzy and black, a veritable sight.

He only moves away when day changes to night.


He seems to be studying the people as they go by.

He doesn’t seem to be afraid when little children cry.

He’s not afraid of the dogs when they try to scare him away.

He’s a cute little bunny, diligently working all day.

He never bothers the plants, flowers or trees.

I don’t know what he eats, but there’s no food from me.


Why is he there I’ve pondered in my mind.

I think this was his home before it was mine.

My husband and I built a home here you see;

now my husband passed on which left only me.

I’d like to think that rabbit was heaven sent.

A gentle creature of God’s love as a testament.

I know I’m not alone when the rabbit assumes his place.

Somehow this rabbit reminds me of my husband;

watching over me as I’m covered by love and God’s grace.


ears and all.

Keeping a watchful eye when people come to call.

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