My Home: An Extraordinary, Ordinary Camino Don Quixote envisioned a mission; Sancho Panza saddled along for adventure. Jack Kerouac took us on the road, and a new world opened inside our country. Women gathered all over the world to march together. Power comes in journeying together, in pacing each small step in rhythm to a sweeping song. Promise awaits in exotic lands; thrill comes with surprises. Still, roots come from where we are now, deep breaths down, down, down as we ground ourselves in the rich land underfoot, right here and now. Power comes in standing still, closing eyes, and trusting the directon of our toes. These past years I've journeyed through my home: bus routes, sidewalks, nature trails, parks. Dogs know me and wag tails, I've come to see babies grow, and I've seen many pass me with waves some days, worries other times, and absence leading to perhaps never again. Power comes in embracing home, thanking those who came before, and preparing for others who will follow. We've tilted at windmills even in our quiet corner of the world Adventures and freedom became all the more precious on the bright days at home. We join together in our smaller communities now as we strive for a better world. This camino is near, yet its sun markers are blest; its pilgrims, holy. Ordinary home is extraordinary.
Image by Tim Foster