میں اس سے محبت کرنا چاہتا تھا

He had dark, rich skin
And hands with long fingers
His lips formed a perfect bow
And his hair was black as midnight

So sweet
So innocent
A man who had waited
For someone like me

I was his first kiss, as he pulled me close
In the midst of Time Square
With lights shining down
And Tourists parting around us

I was his first lover, as we dimmed the lights
In my tiny apartment
Well North of the “good” places
Well South of the “frightening” places
Carving out a tiny little haven
Between Harlem and Bronx
To find a moment of bliss

And to forget, for a moment,
that it was never going to work

His wife, I’m told, is lovely
His parents picked her out
She has skin as lovely as his
And prays when he prays
And believes what he believes

I am happy for them, truly

But I was happy for us, too

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