Hail the Thane

Raise your mugs.

Shout for joy.

The Thane has returned with spoils and plunder.

His name has been made greater by his heroic deeds.

Many warriors shout his praise.

The valiant dead drink to him in Odin’s halls of gold.

While they feast his glory at the unending table.

The Thane provides for his people

as good father and king.

May his beard never be cut,

and his teeth always be strong.


Raise your ale.

Lift high the mead.

The Thane will provide for every need.

There will be a time of mourning for those gone to Odin’s halls.

But it is not this night.

Tonight we drink.

Tonight we feast.

Tonight we slay the hunger beast.

For fear is gone

and terror is fled

While might and wisdom sit upon the the Thane’s head.

As his glory grows, thus does ours.

Sing his name and drink his health.


Now, someone pass the roast elk.

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