If I had hands I could touch
Every inch of this place without moving at all
I once had only to think of something new
And I could push out a new room or a wall
But everything that came attached to that thought
Filled it up so fast, it came to naught!
That never stopped brilliance
Muse just added another room to decorate
Each room demanded more attention
While every other room had to wait.
Ideas and projects filled every nook and cranny
Till there was no room left in their bony house
No room for Granny or a Mouse
Infrastructure broke down
Ideas left or slowed way down
Soon Muse got stuck
She couldn’t come up with a single new idea
In fact, it seemed like someone was stealing
Her beautiful, brilliant rooms
So along came a helper
And cleaned out the muck
We redid some wiring
Plugged up some leaks
A few months later
After some tweaks
Ideas came returned
Better than ever
Rested and clever
So clear out the junk
Come out of your funk
Let your brilliance
Shine for the one who cleaned it up.