Winged Heart (A Haiku, Hour Eleven)

Winged Heart


with wings on your arm

you wear your heart on your sleeve

so permanently



***This is an actual photo of my first tattoo. I got it in memory of my late husband Rickey, who suffered from multiple medical issues which resulted in him losing both his feet before he passed. When our niece Merenda explained to her six-year-old daughter Trystan that Rickey had passed and was in Heaven now, Trystan got excited and exclaimed, “Uncle Rickey has feet AND wings now!” which moved me to the point of making that the basis for my tattoo. But earlier today when talking with my mother and sharing my marathon poems with her, she mentioned how the tattoo was truly meant for me because I have always worn my heart on my sleeve as well, and it struck a chord with me.***


(A haiku is a three line poem with a syllable count of 5/7/5.)

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