In His Image

Twelfth Hour


In His Image

Called to serve Him and glorify His name,
I have been made in His continence,
and I am not ashamed;
to bare the marks of the risen Christ
is an honor and privilege I will
uphold with all my life.

To be Christ-like
is power given only to the called,
I will stand and be counted
and endure the fall.
For Christ in me – the hope of glory,
I am proud to be alive to exhort
His name and tell His story.

Time was, when I’d shrink from the charge,
but I must muster the courage.
The enemy is still at large!
He’s trying to deny me my birthright and
disenfranchise my legacy.
Oh  how I am grateful,
His blood has covered
my history and my ancestry!

I stand with the belt of Truth tightly wrapped,
with the  Helmet of Salvation, a gift of mercy – unmatched.
I have the Sword of the Spirit, a consuming fire,
and I carry the Shield of Faith,
never do I tire
of wearing His face upon me,
so all the world will see;
I walk like Him, talk like Him,
do Like Him!

And one day I will Know,
and then…
even as I am also known
I will look just like the Master,
perfect and entire
purified by fire,
a joint-heir
in His Holy Family.


Compton, CA 90222

June 22, 2019@20:31


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