There’s a lot of things in my life
Where I ask the question Why Didn’t I?
However only one eats me up inside
And it was the night that my daughter’s innocence was lost
Why didn’t I turn the light on?
When I was being a light to someone else
And when my daughter needed light
My light
To shine on her
I left her in the darkness
Why didn’t I turn the light on?
Like I did in the other rooms
Even when I saw shadows
But not when I saw a shadow over you
Why didn’t I turn the light on?
Was it because something in me wasn’t turned on
Or was it that I just couldn’t believe or didn’t think it would, could, happen to you too
Why didn’t I turn the light on?
Like I did when you screamed
Waking up from your dreams
Your memories
Because you remembered what he had done
Then quickly to be safe and be at peace
You put on a strong a face and later said
That didn’t happen to me
Why didn’t I turn the light on?
And call the police
Take his DNA to the doctor
When I wiped it from you the next day
Why didn’t I trust my instinct
Go with my gut
Instead of staying in denial
Why didn’t I turn the light on?
It replays over and over in my head
Now I cannot forget
And it’s like I’m torturing myself
Waiting for you to get mad at me
Accuse me of not being there
Of not doing my job right
I would deserve this fight
When the time came
For you to ask me
To say
“Mommy. Why Didn’t You Keep Me Safe
Why Didn’t You Protect Me
Mommy I knew you were there
Just like you knew he was there
Why didn’t you turn the light on
And save me?”
And I am so mad at myself
Because I’ve been asking that same question
You deserve an answer, something that makes sense
Something that might even be close to acceptable
But I have none of that
I only have, “I don’t know baby Girl.
I’ve been asking myself that question too.”
It’s not good enough
Nothing will ever be good enough
My power of Self Accountability and Self Responsibility
Failed my daughter that night
So each day I ask myself inside
So that it will never happen again
Why Didn’t I
Copyright © 2019 by Angelica Stevenson
All Rights Reserved