Write a poem titled Season of the (fill in the blank).
The fill in the blank could be a reference, it could be an actual season, it could be something abstract, or concrete, anything you want.
The key is to write a poem that matches, or interacts with that title.
Okay, Guys. I’m trying to write in sonnet form (which is out of my comfort zone). Is this a Spenserian sonnet? And, of course, I need help…but here’s my first attempt at this form!
Season of the Arribada
By Sandy Lender
A multitude came crawling up the sandy shore
Only moonlight off’ring light by which to nest
A thousand sets of flapping flippers sought what ground is best
Mighty turtles one by one raked the ground and tore
Digging, ripping, cavities for their eggs to store
And burying again with solid sand their eggs to rest
Left by moonlight, taking up again their ancient quest
The multitude slipped back to Mother Ocean evermore
For such a great arribada
We pray a season of success
Forgive our lack of sentience
For their lovely sonata,
No other redress
Have we but penitence
The Spenserian sonnet, invented by sixteenth century English poet Edmund Spenser, cribs its structure from the Shakespearean—three quatrains and a couplet—but employs a series of “couplet links” between quatrains, as revealed in the rhyme scheme: abab, bcbc, cdcd, ee.
Does this help?
YES! Thank you jdgbp. I think I used the abbaabba; cdecde…which is Italian. I put the “solution” in cdecde. So if I want to practice Spenser…I gotta keep at it. 🙂