The Daughters Of Earth.

The thoughts gyrating and cultivating inside
Call out and cry for the expected end apocryphal
Books that beheld are opened with tales played out
Of the deepest dream liquid stars speak of
Enoch’s cry for salvation turns personal
Until the end of time brings all else he says
That then a new brightening may soar
Depths far below the surface – sparks shon even there
Were calling to the furthest creatures inside us
Eating and sleeping and forgetting our Angles
Who yearn to call us back to our origin
Amnesia abound omit the journey we consented
To a path and purpose sent down into matter
Through our fault and neglect we suffered the fall
From wholeness in sublime immoral affection
Now wrought and cast as promised heaven
That surly a reason behind our life resounds
Seeking and striving lifetimes toil that they
Might reveal something innately known
Slight cast almost imperceptible voices have
Intercourse with our intertwined essential spirit
Unlocking closed trapdoors unknown heights go with
The hopes dared not to have felt
Bringing forth fruit girt daughters
Of to the end of all time a perfect eternity
Here stands merely a gateway between two worlds on Earth.

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