The same tousle burnt-sugar hairs
The symmetrical face, the same pair of shoes
Wide shoulders,the slouchy look of his mouth that always seems to say yeah,
This is how he looks when he wakes up.
Dizzy and all.
The lasting time he’ll drink a glass of wine
Sobling with tears from his eyes no more.
We shock our heads. O’ Its gonna be gone in minutes that I sing this song—” but before
He could finished, the drink
He felt to the ground.
Lost thy self in the song.
No way that we can or will scoop it all up again
The song I sing will be prolonging tears
That falls from my eyes
Leaving it for only his righteousness right hand to wash
And when he breath upon her.
The sun breeze.
Dries the eyes.
For another,
Over again
Intriguing. Incites the wish to know more…
Thank you