All school subjects are dependent on language for learning and understanding.* When I heard this haiku for the first time, I was mesmerized. long before language the S of the river First of all, it was a monoku, which means rather than the normal three line haiku, it was a one-liner. The deep mystery resonated inside me instantly. One of those moments when you feel something profound, but it's a bit unfathomable. This poem was the first prize winner at the regional conference I was attending. One thing that made this poem even more beautiful, was that the artist had created a picture with hand-painted and torn Japanese washi papers. I immediate contacted the author, and she sold it to me–the painting with the poem added—special order!. This poem went on to win the highest honor in the world of haiku. From over thirty countries and thirteen hundred haiku, it was one of five poems chosen to win the annual Touchstone award for best haiku. Sometimes language is not needed to learn and to understand. Sometimes you just need to notice the natural world as it is to gain the pleasures of knowledge. *p. 114, Reading in Secondary Content Areas, Fang and Schleppegrell
Love the structure of this. Is it is prose poem. Is it a mini essay. More poets are using such mixtures of approaches in their books. Thank you for this. The story of you and this haiku. And you are right it’s a stunner! thank you.