NAS Prompt 2

NAS  Prompt 2

I wake to a greeting: “Good Morning”

I am a happy and devoted Child of God,

and one of his gifts to me is a husband who greets me

with words in a tone that is pleasant.


Later the day, a friend seeks truth, “be honest”

“What would I do in her shoes?”

she is walking a sad road that is similar

but different to the road I’ve travelled

Feeling inadequate to give her strength

all I can do is describe the moments of hope

we felt at Hospice, when Mom’s time was dwindling

My friend trusts that she will also find those treasured moments


And at the close of that day,

In  the after hours of some instances of Grace,

and some wishes for do-overs,

I hear the promise of more challenges and chances tomorrow.

by Nancy Ann Smith

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