“Time for Bed!”
Goodnight my baby
Sweet dreams honey
Don’t let the bedbugs bite.
Close your eyes and go to sleep
We’ll need our rest for tomorrow’s festivities.
I know you don’t want to
And I love when you’re with me
But everyone needs their rest, you especially.
Mum’s going to bed, too, shortly.
Please go to sleep.
No, please don’t raise your voice at me
Please don’t hit or smack or bite
Throw things or kick me.
I’m not trying to be your enemy.
You’re just sleep cranky.
I was your age once.
I remember I didn’t like bedtime either.
But it’s late dear
You need your sleep
So let’s get into bed.
We’ll turn on your nightlights
Get snuggled in real tight
We’ll sing your favourite lullaby as you close your eyes.
Ah, a sigh of relief as you drift off to sleep.
Slip out the room, quiet as a mouse.
Goodnight, my love. ❤️