Dear John

“Dear John”


I write these words

to tell you 

I love you


the scars

that you left


pages burned

nothing left, but ash


casted out

to call my power back

to me


I write these words

as they, set me free


                          ❤ always


Pen’s Perspective

“Pen’s Perspective”


I’m one of her favorites

a limited edition


me and my sister

the Poetess, she refills us


with inks of

purple and black


cradled in the space


her finger and thumb


as our ink

fill her lines


gripped, put to paper

in a fingered caress


her words bleed

onto the page

our homage




taking back words

is harder

once spoken


written, they can be

~scratched out


typed, they can be 

~ deleted


in pencil, the canc be

~ erased


yet, once spoken

they cannot be unheard


or lost forever

words never heard


~~~~~ 💔~~~~~


Redacted to Read



once spoken

cannot be


Closeted Threats ~ TW : sexual abuse

“Closeted Threats”  

Trigger Warning ~ sexual abuse


at the tender age of five

unknowing, in the ways of 

the sexual needs of men


the attention, was different

my own mother, absent

in her own hell

I’m sure


the light burned high above

his head, as he towered over me

blinding me ~

squinting my eyes



I heard ~

you can’t tell them

or else


the words fell

to the closet floor

where I sat


later,  a mindful adult

asked, the secret spilled

in the parking lot of the local bar

where my mother tended


my mother devastated

her patrons gathered round


his car, left by the side of the road

he was never found


that’s how it ends for those

in a small Texas town


Tea Time

“Tea Time”


she sprinkles cinnamon into her tea

cheeks flushed, beet red


from teetering on buckets

to change the lightbulb

out in the carport


sensing the the tremor

of the trees, whispering in the bayou


spying the fray in the elbow of her jacket

made of elk, she sips 

Soulful Strings

“Soulful Strings”


stings finely tuned

he starts to glide his bow


the sound hollow, yet

full of vibrato


calling forth, the light of day

she awakens


the sweet sound

strumming her along


warming the dawn



saturating the air

softly soothing

the stratosphere


a soulful ballad

rich and enigmatic


“When Words Echo” A Viator

“When Words Echo” A Viator

© A. Potter ~2023


when words echo

between the lines

we breathe, in or out

bleeding from thy pen


my eyes lifted

when words echo

memories better left behind

keeping one foot in the past


the caress, of the good times

etching the ache of the bad

when words echo

through the bloody chambers of my heart


running empty, towards the end

pleading, I was placated

my heart whispered ~ not again

when words echo


Where the Earth Ends

“Where the Earth Ends”


who am I to say

if the the earth is flat

~ or not, for


I’ve only seen the sandy

shores, with its white foamy edges


I’ve not been beyond 

that blue horizon


I’ve found rocky ledges

where the ocean rages against the coast


I’ve not been beyond

those jagged cliffs


when you’ve not been

beyond the edges


do we really know 

if it has an end


What Does it Mean

“What Does It Mean”


life’s sweet mystery

has me wondering

these shapes we see

in the clouds

billowing by

what does it mean

the synchronic numerology

butterfly in a bush

birds fluttering, amongst the trees

the beauty of the present

life’s precious gift

leaves me pondering

the feather, upon the ground

lyrics, speaking to your soul

life’s lessons

has me judging

if my mind is sound