Bless the day I would learn to love new beginnings.
The day the thing in your body broke,
Someone with a strange face discovered the crack.
The day you broke, the day you discovered you were
The thing that broke, my then strong arm wasn’t strong
Enough to hold this darkness against the thing
Around your neck; this long chain of slavery.
When the days break, we would all bless the dawn
By forgetting all the wrong people that died with petals
In their mouth; bless them; bless their names—flowers.
I bless god for the strong bone of surviving another
Night but who do I tell I do not seek dawn that much?
Who do I tell to teach my tongue to bless this twin
Daughter cell of exit wounds; this twin daughter of dawn,
Who do I tell to pray for me?, that may this new dawn,
Wash me clean like prayers wash my mother’s feet—
Like silence, slowly shifting this cracking dawn into exile.