The Englishmen would always mistake Gurasa for pizza.
In a train station in Sarkin pawa
Darkness strikes and covers
The roads, all the vehicles on
The road parked beside the highway
To watch the apocalypse finish.
My sister, body of English for accent
Finally opens her mouth to cravings.
In the meantime, Sarkin pawa had
Not seen power for over six months,
All the people with freezers have grown
To never need useless things, all the
Restaurants with ovens have closed to
Respect my country’s low standards.
My sister orders a pizza on her phone,
Minutes later she cannot connect to her
Internet to confirm purchase, we sit in
Despair, she sits in regrets, a sales boy
With gurasa passes our car, I purchase
Gurasa for all of us, the train station
Might never open again, my sister would
Only crave in silence, till her English
Is enough to call pizza with a new name—gurasa.