Hour 2

Missing Womanhood

i don’t know how you can miss something that you didn’t want
how you can miss something that was assigned to you
to reinforce the same gender binary that was forced on your ancestors
forced on indigenous folx
i don’t know how you can miss something that doesn’t exist
a social construct
a performance art piece
a series of taught expectations & behaviors
how can you miss something that was never for you
never for your blackness
never for your queerness
maybe you miss the comfort
maybe you miss not having to explain the dip of your hips & the curve of your breasts
the ease of a body that is easy for assumption
easy for consumption
you know that you don’t miss the tightness of your throat when you have to correct your pronouns
they & them
don’t miss the drop in your gut when you have to explain your identity
Black, queer, non-binary, femme
but womanhood never fit you
you never wanted it to
so you’re not looking for it anymore
not aspiring to it anymore
it was never mine to have
never mine to miss
Written in response to the Winter Tangerine prompt below:

Hour 1

Summer Bucket List (2019)

cry more in public
meaning: open your eyes and see more, hear more, be more (honest)
they help water the cracks in your heart
or maybe an ocean is more fitting to describe this heart that is always flowing
maybe the flowers are in your soul
tend to the garden that is always growing
never stop crying in public
or in private or with friends or with family or with partners or with enemies
not that you have enemies but if you did, these tears would find them
these tears are wholly you
holy to you
something about the freedom to feel
the freedom to mourn
feelings, people, moments
the freedom to be
the libra in you –sun moon & venus- need the balance of this release
need the balance of this peace
stop holding it all in
you’re bursting at the seams and no one can get it in
no one can see you if you can’t see yourself
no one will want to


Hello all! My name is Abeo. I use they/them pronouns. I am Comparative Women’s Studies major, Creative Writing minor at Spelman College in Atlanta, GA. I love poetry, especially spoken word (even though I don’t perform) however I haven’t written much in the last 2 years. I am excited about this marathon as a way to set aside some time to get back in touch with my work. I am a Libra sun & moon and a Sagittarius rising. My favorite color is lavender and I love sunflowers and sunlight.