The woman made it to the mines in an unknown haste,
She carried on with her everyday scraping of the lichen growing on buildings
She quickly realized how she could harm someone with her tool,
She waited until the day dwindled from the sky
And the soldiers grew lazier,
She watched as one of them left the group walking along the outer rim of the mine’s ravine
In the blink of an eye, the blade met the soldier’s neck,
And she kept puncturing his neck as her energy allowed her
As he fell bloodied and dead, the woman took apart his armor and attached it to herself,
The woman believed that she could walk amongst the others as she wore the armor
But she forgot about the blood soaked into the polyester and cotton garments,
She did everything she could, from hiding the body to wiping off some of the grey blood
But as she walked towards the elevator towards the lower levels, she heard someone call out to her,
A guard had yelled at the woman but she didn’t understand what he was saying
It was only mumbling to her,
Fear clung to her chest, something she hadn’t felt in a long time
The woman inched her hand towards the pistol in the holster.
She unbuckled the holster, uncocked the pistol and fired at the incoming soldier,
In one fell swoop she had killed another one
More were coming her way and she had no time to waste,
Without hesitation the woman ran with determination and caution in her feet
Without thinking, she jumped off of the rim and into the grey waters below.