Eyes of the Cat

Hour Three

Oh how you mesmerize me those spheres of peridot flecked with black circled by brown. A calm mixed with fierceness, and the need to survive.
Such powerful grace. Sleek, muscular, and strong. A tree climber. Prowler, a thief which stole my heart.
Fur like the down of a chick, whiskers that tickle, pointed ears, a button nose of the slightest pink.
A carnivore. A grazer of grass, bug catcher, birder, mouser, regale. Paws of steel, thick pads for lurking, skulking round corners along fences.
Contented. Rhythmic sounds deep in your throat,, a soft purring giving thanks for the day.

House trained and house bound, your every need provided. No hunger nor thirst, a warm cozy bed, a lap to curl up on. Domesticated no longer wild. Tame and affectionate. You’re more canine than feline. An equal. A friend, pal, a comrade and confidante.

What lies behind those eyes of the cat? What lurks deep within? Is the wildness born of your ancestors still inside, or just a hint remains? What secrets do you hold? What stories could you tell? Do you dream? Love? Hate? Are you happy? Content? Oh, what could you show what could you say? Within the eyes of the cat, a wonderment lives of which we’ll never know.

Of Light and Dark

Hour Two

Of two minds and two shades.
One of lightness the other dark.
Of open fields and black caves.

A positive,
A negative,
And somewhere in between.

As the sunlight shines my spirit glows,
A sprinkle here a sprinkle there as she goes.

When the power goes dark and the light is gone,
She hides staying safe til the light of dawn.

Like a coin with two sides,
An in and an out the ups and downs.
Opposites attract so the story goes,
Ebbs and flows as the ocean’s tides.

My inner self versus the outer shell,
The private side and I am here doing well.

The innie and the outie of who I am.
Two minds the same but not,
One body one soul is what I’ve got.

A positive,
A negative,
And somewhere in between.

Living within a shadow,
Rarely appearing in daylight.
Sometimes hollow,
Sometimes a mere spark.

Of lightness or dark,
See through or not,
I live on both planes.

A positive,
A negative,
And somewhere in between.

Maple Leaves

I remember those days of toiling in the yard, out in the rain, cold yet sweating at the same time. We had a maple tree out on the far piece as we called it, encircled by a guard of cedars. It was a big tree. A colourful tree when the cool air turned the sap to molasses. Those big spikey leaves with ends resembling a crown, slowly turning from green to brown, to orange then gold with a hint of red. Its branches once filled with floppy green flags shading us on those hot summer days, now curling and dry, no longer supple nor carefree when the wind blows.
I can see myself raking piles and piles of those dead, crunchy bits, leaving mounds like molehills dotted across the far piece. Of friends and neighbouring kids falling into those soft cushions despite being dead. The earthy smells of damp grass, the soggy dirt. Rain drenched damp leaves a perfect haven for slugs, snails, and bugs. I loved how life receded when crisp breezes blew in.
The heavy dews turning white with age, becoming crisp and crunchy just as those leaves spiralled down. I miss those days of changing colours, swirling leaves and crunches under feet as if stepping on chips. The procession from the dog days of summer.
A slumbering nature awaiting the big freeze.

Good morning from Calgary!
Good luck everyone!



Looking forward to 7am tomorrow!
Unlike last year, I haven’t written much.
I’m hoping tomorrow’s marathon will kick start my creativity.

Good luck to all!



Almost there!

Just over 8 hours before cramped fingers, rubbing of head and pulling hair, if you have any, and the challenge begins. So looking forward to it! Good luck everyone!