A Covenant with Almighty God,

Promises to keep.

Responsibilities to realize.

Wife to love.

Children to educate.

Parents to honor.

Family ties to build.

Honest sustenance to seek.

Trusts to fulfill.

Humankind to assist.

Humanity to preserve.

Relationships to build.

Integrity to live by.

Life to live.

Promises to keep.

Promises to keep.


(Inspired from a phrase of the poem

” Stopping by woods on a snowy day”

By Robert Frost)


The still air is resonant

with an expectation.

Waiting, waiting,  waiting for something.

Lightening flashing!

Thunder roaring!


…and then the pregnant clouds

bursting with its burden

releases slowly, the first drops of rain splattering.

Within seconds pelting, roaring , flooding.


Humans and animals scattering

for safety and shelter.

Pretty petals torn and litter the ground

soiled and washed away with the deluge.

Rivers swell and deposit their residue on the river banks.

Floods . FLOODS.



Rain so essential,

yet so dangerous in its destruction.






12. A Sonnet: Poetic Remembrance

I read a meme, recently,

like this it read,

” If a poet mentions you in a poem, you receive immortality ”

The poem are never forgotten and hence you are never dead!


All through the years of my writing,

when you are mentioned in passing or in person,

not only in my poems are you living,

also deep in my heart you reside, it’s certain.


The ink on a page is indelible and cannot be erased,

burnt to the skin, like a tattoo branded.

Permanently in my poems you are placed

printed in books and anthologies, never to be eroded.


In my poems, you will live forever,

poetic remembrance to treasure!





11. God’s canvas

On the canvas of the sky

is splashed with different shades of darkness,

giving way to hues of pink, red and burnt orange as the sun begins to peep from behind the backdrop of the majestic mountains.


The rays of the sun steal from  the darkness, the canvas of the earth is tinged with subtle shades of browns and greens,

the living painting of the trees and plants become apparent and focused.


The paint brush of the sun, traverses with gentle but deliberate strokes upon the sky, the deep dangerous sea begins to shimmer and sparkle invitingly.


No doubt, nature’s crescendo of colors and subtle shades have been painted by The Master Painter, God Almighty!

10 A rap through the ages

Obsolete are watches, clocks ,cameras and phones designed by Alex Graham Bell.

All these replaced by a hand held cell.

We, the aged yuppie

make way for mellinials and Gen Zee.


Remember when we had boom boxes blasting,

Now it’s singing by tick toking

and talking by musical rapping.


On demand channels, by You Tube, Netflix and Spotify.

Previously TV programs were on less supply.

Social media, a  virtual means of communication.

Whatsapp, we chat and texting, now the preferred means of conversation.


What next, I dare to question ,

from the protégés of our next generation

Perhaps time travel through the portals, reminiscent of ” beam me up , Scottty”

Or even better, a regenerated, ageless me!


9. This too shall pass

Often we are told that life is a roller coaster ride.

The anticipation and elation of the upward climb!

The breathtaking view of the crest of the peak!

And the heartwrenching free fall!


As you close your eyes  midway of the descent,

with a silent prayer that

” This too will pass!”

These four words is what

gives impetus to the vehicle of life,

to propel you to the next acsent!


” This too shall pass! ”

When life hits rock-bottom,

and also when you reach great heights,

be not ignorant,  egotistical and proud.

Appreciate your position with humbleness and humility,  because

” This too shall pass”

8. Poetic summary of To Kill a Mockingbird

A concise, brief summary,

of ” To kill a Mockingbird ” by Harper Lee.

This book did greatly inspire me,

to read for law and a lawyer to be.


A theme of racism and prejudice

in the book is interwoven,

picking at the fabric of society

and causing a corrosion.


Atticus, the Attorney,  sets out to defend

an innocent black man,

for raping a white woman, he us unjustly accused.

Because of a racist and prejudiced jury,

Atticus fails in his plan.


Imparting gems of knowledge

to his son and daughter

to become righteous people,

by emulating his character.


Personal Parallels to this book, I can draw,

like Atticus,  I have also studied the law.

Just like Jack Finch, my brother is also a doctor.

Innocent, kind and respectful are my son and daughter.

7. The new normal

Normal is no longer the norm.

With changes we now have to conform.

It may sound strange and absurd,

” New Normal” is now the buzz word.


The change in lifestyle, many do complain,

like an old sweater we want to retain.

Change with two hands, we got to embrace,

our old ways we can never, retrace.


For some,  the new normal has been frightening.

For me the journey has been enlightening.

A new turn in direction to my philosophy,

as I get to grips with advanced technology.


I now, from home do work,

no long hours in traffic to drive me berserk.

I am more efficient and constructive,

the day is now more productive.

I am no longer tired and angry,

I even get more time with my family.


Powerful,  Incredible,  Comfortable, Successful

is now the “New Normal ”




6. The Promise

Will you promise me,

that you will love me, unconditionally,

that your love will not abstain,

as how the full moon does wane?


Will you promise me

that as I age and become less of a beauty,

that you would still love me beyond reasons,

and not change,  as the four seasons?


Will you promise me

that no matter what the problems may be,

that through troubled waters we will navigate

so that our love will never sink and desisipate?


If by the above , we promise to abide,

then in each other’s hearts, with passion we will reside.

5 The cycle continues

Ow! I tripped over the corner

of a metal object, raised a foot from the ground.

“What is this?” as I dug with my hands

and a rusted,  rustic metal chest, I found.


Inside a skeletal bones of an unknown unusual bird.

A message chiseled in stone as I move my hands as if a braile.

My heart pounding as a read a fearful tale.


Death of humans

of an epic proportion.

The animal caused a pandemic

which nearly led to human decimation.


A hundred years ago and the cycle continues!