Aqua Poem 2


A blank page

full of jagged edges

rips apart my life

to give to get in return,

no glory,

pain gains power to risk everything to be


that is a world of confusion.

By Aqua  PMC Shared 6/26/20


My name is Aqua nice to meet you. I have been creating on hold telephone message content for 7 years. Recently I also began to write web content, and I have been writing poetry since high school. I love writing poetry, non fiction, fiction,as well as many other forms of writing. I am excited to begin my freelance writing business with a move to a new home in the future as well for a peaceful writing spot. I wish to work with short stories, blogs, poems, children’s writing, greeting cards, and more. Thank you sincerely for taking the time to read this, and I hope you enjoy the poetry challenge tomorrow.
Miss Aqua

Poem1 Aqua

Where will we go from here,

We can’t even stand near.

To each other,

Is it even safe to visit mother?

We are told to stay in doors, and safer at home.

But it is human nature to want to roam.

To be free,  then we stand up for our rights.

It was over the fights and then it’s continued into the nights.

What does our future hold if we all do not unite?

But even our president won’t wear his mask and  his gatherers.

It’s just not right.

The beaches  are packed, and although recently opened the bars are  now closed.

Looks like the reopening plan, it’s kind of got hosed.

Please wear your mask and don’t uncover your nose.

And hope and  pray for the best while we hear each day how it all goes.