2023: Hour Two

Hour Two, Unprompted – 2023

Shining smiles,
filled with glee;
Our joy is my strongest memory.

You have seen me,
in all stages;
Held me,
Through all phases –

A gift of many graces,
Nothing can replace this;
So then,
the truth calls us to face it.

Meant for me;
Meant to Be –
Forever safe within our reverie,
Fifteen pillars of Growth and Glee.

2023 – Hour One


Unprompted: “Purpose/Beyond the Mourning” [2023: Hour One]


Tiny hopes and dreams,
Unravel at the seams,
Giving way to truths that,
Beyond the mourning,
Will water our growth;
And send our souls soaring.


H.J’s 2023 Introduction [Half Marathon!]


EDIT: Unfortunately, I don’t think I’ll be able to contribute this year; my tech isn’t holding up and my brain isn’t ”on” yet. Will do as much as I can, but may not finish. Apologies!

Hi, again, everybody! And a very warm welcome to all new members!

As always, I adore my time here and am looking forward to bringing a fresh perspective to my work, during the [Half] Marathon, as I’m currently feeling the healthiest that I have ever been & have recently graduated a new career program as a Medical Office Assistant.

I have written and published in multiple genres since 2014. In my spare time, I enjoy cooking a variety of foods and caring for my service dog – Chinese and Spanish dishes are my favorite; there will be lots of snacks on hand, through this process, and some music from Hozier and Selena Gomez, to keep me motivated.

All the best to everyone, thank you for another opportunity! I’d love to hear what motivates you!?? 🙂


– #authorHJ, 2023.



Hour 9 – 2022 (an Original) ©️

Trigger Warning: trauma, loss, grief, depression.

5th hour blues,

Melancholic hues

of dread and doubt;


Nothing left to bemuse.

The silence echoes,

without cues.


Walking through the fog,

Shoes heavy with the sogg

of old soul’s yearning…


The promises of Greif

are the only constant

that keeps on churning.


2022, Hour 5 prompt

Prompt: a poem with chosen key words.

Cheddar cheese,

You and me,
With the wine glass
under our oak tree…

A secret little hardback

hides a gift
for thee —

One sunflower;
Bright with glee.

2022 Hour 3, prompt ©️

Magenta hue,

hope springs anew,

in fields of reverie

that blossom in glowing memory

of a love so true;


The promise of Hope,

and Healing

sweeps through.


Upon our Summer of Love,

and this meadow

for Two.

Hour 2 (2022) image – Above, the Beloved ©️

Trigger Warning – loss, death, greif

<image prompt response>


I watch you grow,

wondering if you know,

how proud I am

to see you glow.


The birds sing songs

to let you know,

My love is sent

As above,

So below.

I’m still here;

I’m free!

Please do not fear.


remember me,

with glee.


2022 Hour One – For the Love of Water ©️

To drown in you,

is rebirth



This Oasis,

forms the basis,

of strength and reverie.


As I sit near the water,

I pray you’ll remember me…


This love of water becomes a token,

Toward the call of Love,

of depths and passions left unspoken.


It’s that time, again! Hello and good luck, to all. My name is Heaven, but I use the pseudonym of “H.J” for writing and publications. It’s always a pleasure to be here and I’m thankful for another chance.

As always, there will be lots of vanilla coffee and snacks. This year, I’m also accompanied by “Link”, my service dog in training. I’ll be joining in from Canada! EST time zone.

Stay well and have fun, everyone 🥰🐾☕️☕️☕️☕️

A black-spotted Dalmatian puppy rests on a deep blue bed spread. His owner sits in her red wheelchair and grey sweater, to the left of the frame. Both are beaming up, toward the camera, as soft morning light fills the room.

©️ Final (Half) Hour: 2021/12 – Image Prompt


Blue flowers are fraught
with the memories and grievings of nought

A bittersweet cacophony
of endings and beginnings,

In Friendships,
and Weddings,
you’ll see me.

Forever crying;
but never sure
if from
from Glee!