Odine’s curse

All I did was tuck my honey in
He’d wait patiently under the duvet
I’d do my face routine
Then love’s wind will swing ‘nd sway

His co-worker always called late at night
I know my baby is a hardworker
But doing it till late hours just isn’t right
I’d answer and stop this forever

But to hear another call my honey- bunny
Pierced my heart like a spear would
She said my baby is her sweetie
Heavens pray tell why she could

Beating him to stupor
Was a tip of the berg
I was bound to do more
If I hadn’t met him dead on the bed

You may call it karma
But to me Odine came for vengeance
The sthetoscope sir called it sleep apnea
So many diagnosis but no reappearance

He’s gone!
Had he been here
He’d never have said sorry
He’d rather term me a shrew
His son?
That’s my only fear
But don’t you worry
I’ll be the strongest dad he ever knew!

Please call me a witch
A wicked and wretched pretender
You must insult to your fill
Call me one who carries charm in her purse
Lest your supposed conscience begins to itch.
Honestly I am a believer
But still…
I say ‘ Blessed be Odine’s curse’!

When the stamen tramples on his pistil

The daffodil was still a seedling
Recall that hot summer noon
Mother and I cooked in the kitchen
And talked about my perfect groom

When the bull ignores the cow’s moo
He must be frustrated and hungry too
When last was his best laugh?
Tell him a joke or bear him a calf

When the sire barks at his dam
Gather the puppies to their kennel
A little space will do no harm
He himself will come to settle

But when the stamen tramples on his pistil
Don’t cry “oh heavens save us!”
For why must he be so hostile?
Pack your petals and board the next bus

Men, why hit your wives?
Women, why the silence?
Perhaps you have nine lives
That you condone such violence

It’s winter
The daffodil is mature now
I left my perfect mister
His rage and his dirty frown
I’m back mum
It was an heart-shattering run
The sun is nowhere to be found
But mother is beneath the ground
She’s not rising from the grave
But she whispers “Thanks for being brave!”

Nice to meet you

I am a female of the Igbo tribe of Nigeria . I’m a medical student but I really love(d) writing though for some sad reasons I can’t find the motivation to write these days. I saw this platform and hoped it would rejuvenate that “writer’s feeling” I once had. Most importantly, I am excited to meet new amazing people on this platform!

Nice to meet you, I am Okeke Chito.