I like dirt gritty and uneven beneath
my hands; knees wearing
the shapes of ancient rock beds
the risks of forest floors
with their hidden sharpnesses.
Give me the grasp you don’t
know is too tight; hips forward
head back in deepest roar –
your strength the tie that binds us.
I want the aching dust to burst;
bead into our sweat, smashing
like atoms where we clash.
A cave, an open dirty expanse,
desert flat, untamed garden;
a hot sun scalding me
where your shadow does not fall.
Mouths open to dropped water
from the sky, catching the calm
to renew the rough;
beasts beside a moody sea.
I know myself best as the animal
slurping brute power and the
rush of pleasure’s brand of nothing;
let my softness make you stronger
and take me down into the blackness
we all came from.